



The Prospect for Acacia mangium Willd as a Raw Material of Pulp and Paper in Indonesia

Abstract – This paper shows the results of research on Acacia mangium Willd in the pulping process, wood chemistry, anatomical properties, physical properties and analysis of the elementary chlorine free bleaching using the KRAFT and ASAM (Alkali, Sulfite, Antraquinone and Methanol) process. The pulping process used KRAFT and ASAM methods determined by TAPPI and Zellcheming standards. 
The stages of elementary chlorine free bleaching with 6 combinations used bleaching process such as oxygen bleaching, sulfuric acid, chlordioxide, Oxygen/hydrogen Peroxide, second step of chlordioxide and hydrogen peroxide bleaching (O-A-D1-OP-D2-P). Analysis of wood chemistry component and wood anatomy were determined by TAPPI and IAWA standards.

The results of the Kraft pulping process on 8 year old Acacia mangium were 53.42% total yield; 0.01% wood reject; 16.45 Kappa number; 862 mg/l CED- viscosities and 24.16% ISO brightness. Paper strengths properties at 30oSR beating degree interpolation were 8.84 tensile strength km, 410 kPa bursting strength and 86.4 cN tearing strength. The 15 years old of Acacia mangium has lower qualities in pulp and paper than 8 years old timber.

The bleaching process used several stages, the first stage of bleaching used oxygen in an alkaline condition. It decrease the Kappa number from 16.5-27.5 to 4.2-11.1, as well as increased the brightness from 18.1-24.2 % ISO to 40.2-46.5 %ISO. Nevertheless, it also decreased 6-123 point pulp viscosity and showed 0.5-1.4% yield. The Chlordioxide was used for the second stage of the bleaching process and the hexauronic acid and other sugar that derived from hemicelluloses were not solved, only a part of them. It had an increased Kappa number of pulp.

In order to dissolve this acid, a washing method can be used to reduce the Kappa number and give slightly increased brightness. The next stage was a combination process of chlordioxide at the final stage, oxygen/ pyroxide, and chlordioxide at the second stage and peroxide only at the end of stage. The results showed that the bleaching process with six combinations obtained 0.5-2.4 Kappa number, 571-863 ml/g viscosities and 89-90.9 %ISO brtightness.

The anatomical properties of fiber from Acacia mangium have 982-1027 µm length, 20.76-21.67 µm fiber diameters, 13.79-18.48 µmlumen diameters, and 3.42-3.58 µm thickness of fiber wall. The chemical properties were 27% lignin, 1-5 % extractive (soluble in hot water). The physical properties including moisture content of green wood were 94%-111% with 0.45-0.49 g/cm3 wood density (oven dry).

Muladi S, Arifin Z, Arung ET,Yuliansyah, Amirta R, Patt R. 2005. In: Tropical Wood Properties and Utilizations. Gadjah Mada University Press. Yogyakarata

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